
BGT Episode 20: Q&A 3

This episode addresses some much-delayed listener questions about beginnery topics, as well as some of the feedback about the most recent episode, the Proto-Future Manifesto.

The subsequent interview with Tom Barbalet on Model Rail Radio is linked here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/model-rail-radio/id335536272?i=1000634820061

BGT Episode 10: Terminology, Tools, and Trainiacs

In this episode, I wrap up a few loose ends before we finally get to layout construction. First, I finish off explaining a wide variety of railroad-related terminology, going into all the depth you would need to know about what most major railroad components are and how they work. Then, I list off and describe all the tools you would need to build a model railroad. Importantly, I then follow this up with modeling safety, and close out the episode with a little bonus, proving that model railroading is not just for nerds.