
BGT Episode 24: Q&A 4, Requiem

This episode brings up some listener feedback about scenery techniques, answers some questions about what sort of layout beginners should build, and addresses some comments about the tone and ideas of Proto-Future.

The subsequent interview with Tom Barbalet on Model Rail Radio is linked here:

BGT Episode 21: Scenery Part 2: Pedosphere Part 1: Dirt and Foliage

Thank you all for sticking around this long! After over two thousand days of intermittently podcasting, we now finally get to make some scenery! Herein, I discuss ground staining, dirt, grass, and bushes.

BGT Episode 20: Q&A 3

This episode addresses some much-delayed listener questions about beginnery topics, as well as some of the feedback about the most recent episode, the Proto-Future Manifesto.

The subsequent interview with Tom Barbalet on Model Rail Radio is linked here:

BGT Episode 19: [Railroad History Miniseries 3] Railroads of Southern New England

Greetings even more Patient Listeners,

In this episode, I’ll give a history of railroading in Southern New England and the Northeastern Mid-Atlantic States, covering the Class Is, IIs, and IIIs of note. Don’t worry, something else fun is coming down the pipeline hopefully soon.
