
BGT Episode 24: Q&A 4, Requiem

This episode brings up some listener feedback about scenery techniques, answers some questions about what sort of layout beginners should build, and addresses some comments about the tone and ideas of Proto-Future.

The subsequent interview with Tom Barbalet on Model Rail Radio is linked here:

BGT Episode 20: Q&A 3

This episode addresses some much-delayed listener questions about beginnery topics, as well as some of the feedback about the most recent episode, the Proto-Future Manifesto.

The subsequent interview with Tom Barbalet on Model Rail Radio is linked here:

BGT Episode 15: Track Laying, Part 2

Hello Poptarts!

In this episode, after four long years, you will finally be able to lay track and run trains! This episode covers:

  • Transcribing track centerlines

  • Cutting and gluing roadbed

  • Cutting, wiring, and laying track

  • Wiring the track feeders to a bus wire

  • Testing it all to ensure smooth running

  • And some general tips, techniques, and advice for derailment-free operation

I know it has been a long time, but thank you for sticking around! The next episode will be a return to the railroads of the Northeast! Happy modeling!

BGT Episode 5: The Beginner's Bible

Or Quran, or Torah, or God Delusion, or Tripitaka, whichever floats your boat.

Whenever a new modeler enters the hobby, there is a strong incentive to cut a few corners for the purpose of speeding completion of the railroad, or there might simply be a lack of knowledge on what is generally accepted to be a higher fidelity way to approach any given problem. The Beginner's Bible is an amalgamation of advice comprised of lessons that I have learned the hard way. Take heed of this advice, as it may prove quite useful. 

As always, if you have comments or suggestions from your own modeling experiences, feel free to drop me a line on the contact page, and your additions will be compiled into an updated Beginner's Bible.

Special thanks to the Scathing Atheist Podcast, found here.