Proto-Future 5, Part 2: Inaugural Borealis, Day 2 – Minneapolis Speedrun and the Twin Cities Model Railroad Museum

This episode follows as I walk through the Minneapolis Skyway, discuss the NorthStar Commuter Rail, ride all the Minneapolis Metro Light Rail, visit the Twin Cities Model Railroad Museum and interview Ken Zieska and Matt Malwitz, have a disappointingly short visit to St. Paul, walk the entire Mall of America, visit St. Anthony Falls, and leave flowers at George Floyd Memorial Square.

Proto-Future 5, Inaugural Borealis, Day 2: Minneapolis Speedrun & Twin Cities Model Railroad Museum

Proto-Future 5, Part 1: Inaugural Borealis, Day 1 – Keystone, SEPTA, Airport Philosophy, and the Metric System for Sounds

This episode is the first in a four-part series detailing my trip to ride the inaugural Borealis between the Twin Cities and Chicago. In it, I motorcycle to Harrisburg, ride the Keystone to Philadelphia, struggle with SEPTA to the Airport, speedrun both the PHL and MSP airports, and give a preliminary exploration of Minneapolis, philosophizing extensively along the way.

Proto-Future 5, Part 1: Inaugural Borealis, Day 1 – Keystone, SEPTA, Airport Philosophy, and the Met